Valenti Lingua brings Yabla into the Classroom
I can honestly say Yabla is one of the best language learning tools I’ve encountered in 25 years of teaching Italian. Yabla contextualizes the language. Students learn and remember more when they learn the language in context. This is something that doesn’t happen with typical passages found in textbooks because …
Language Learning Tools for Schools
Here are some online tools that are a perfect addition to classroom learning of languages.
Tools for Learning Italian Online
It is common knowledge that immersion is the best way to learn a new language. However, most of us don’t have the time to spend every day in an Italian class, or for a lengthy stay abroad. Luckily, there are many tools for learning Italian online at your own pace, …
Best Places to Visit in Italy:
L’imbarazzo della scelta There’s a great Italian expression to describe the vast choice of places to visit in Italy: l’imbarazzo della scelta. We sometimes say in English, “an embarrassment of riches” or “a wealth of choices,” however, the image of “the embarrassment of having to choose,” like a child in …
How to talk about the weather like an Italian
When traveling in Italy, like it or not, weather conditions will be a concern. We like to imagine Italy being sunny and beautiful all the time, but purtroppo (unfortunately), especially these days, the weather can be capriccioso (mischievous) and unpredictable. As a result, knowing how to talk about the weather …
Common Italian Adjectives and How They Work
Let’s see how adjectives work in Italian. We need to know the type of adjective as well as the gender and number of the noun we’re describing
Easy Pasta Recipes from Italy, with Love
Italians love pasta, and so do a lot of people, there’s no doubt about that. Some Italians eat pasta every day, some eat pasta twice a day. So they need quick and easy pasta recipes for those moments when there’s no time to slave over a hot stove. There are plenty …
9 Untranslatable Words Useful In Italian
Every language has unique words that describe very specific things or special situations, but can’t be directly translated into other languages. There are plenty of Italian nouns, verbs, and adjectives that fall into the category of untranslatable words. Learning these words can be an excellent way to expand your vocabulary, …
Need To Know Italian Nouns
There are some Italian words you can guess at, like centro for “center,” ristorante for “restaurant,” or words that you have heard around, like piazza (town square). Other Italian nouns are less “guessable.” Here are some need to know Italian nouns that don’t necessarily mean what you think they might …