Author: yabla
The 6 Best Language Learning Apps of 2022 — Ranked
The best language learning apps are a diverse lot — and offer everything from live, one-on-one instruction to five-minute sessions designed to build your vocabulary one word at a time. Here, our picks for the best language learning apps. There’s something below for all levels, abilities, and ambitions — starting with our favorite. 1. Yabla Yabla offers […]
How to Learn Chinese: 7 Video Series to Get You Going
Wondering how to learn Chinese? Whether you’re studying Chinese to speak more easily with your family, bolster classroom instruction, or travel more freely in China, you’re in luck: There’s a huge variety of video programs to choose from, at all ability levels. These are our favorites. 1. Everyday Chinese Everyday Chinese — a comprehensive offering from […]
Dual Subtitles: a Great Tool for Learning Languages
More and more people are unlocking the secret to successful and enjoyable language learning: dual subtitles. What are dual subtitles? Well, we generally watch foreign language films with a single set of captions that provides a translation. Unlike dubbing, subtitles allow us to understand what’s going on without missing out on the tone of the […]
Dictation for Language Learning: Introducing Scribe
Hi Yabla Subscribers, have you played Scribe yet? Look at what the Internet TESL Journal (Teachers of English as a Second Language) say about dictation as a language learning tool: “Dictation helps to develop short-term memory. Students practice retaining meaningful phrases or whole sentences before writing them down. Dictation can serve as an excellent review […]
Building Your Vocabulary – No Pain, No Gain
Many years ago, on my first trip to Venezuela, in particular the little seaside town of Adícora — I was talking with the local baker. I use the word “talking” loosely because I really knew very little Spanish. Luckily for me he spoke little English, and nothing builds language skills like necessity! Somehow out of […]
I Studied French For Years But Struggled to Be Understood in France
I took French classes for several years before moving to Paris for a French Language program at the Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne. However, after I received the results from my placement test I was was really disappointed. I tested in just above a novice level! I was even more disappointed to find […]
Is One Language Ever Really Enough?
With more than 350 languages spoken in the United States, many children grow up speaking two different languages. Children raised learning dual languages face unique challenges, but they likewise benefit from certain special advantages, ones that far outweigh the disadvantages of learning more than one language. Disadvantages Let’s analyze some common disadvantages and misconceptions surrounding […]
Language Learning Tip: Start Small
Starting from scratch. Back to the basics. Square one. When learning a new trade or skill, including adopting a foreign language, the beginning will always be the most difficult part of any learning process. When we first spoke our native language, we had to begin with small goals, the building blocks of communication, whether it […]
(Almost) Forgotten Languages
Does anybody speak Latin anymore? What about Gaelic? Or Navajo? Languages change rapidly and are quietly disappearing all the time. So here are some languages you might be surprised to learn are still alive and well. Latin Many of us know Latin as the godmother of romance languages, which include Italian, Spanish, French, and English […]
Language Learning Must: Shameless Speaking
Overcoming your initial fear Overcoming Your Initial Fear Will Lead to Consistent Gains When you’re just starting out of sounding silly, weird, or plain old wrong can be challenging, but once you get past that first hurdle, you open up a path to increased confidence and regular improvement. We have all been there: even though […]