Language Learning Must: Shameless Speaking

Overcoming your initial fear Overcoming Your Initial Fear Will Lead to Consistent Gains When you’re just starting out of sounding silly, weird, or plain old wrong can be challenging, but once you get past that first hurdle, you open up a path to increased confidence and regular improvement. We have …

Global Street Festivals Guaranteed To Be Worth The Trip

Get your bucket list ready. For any world traveler, the goal is always to find those not-to-be-missed, once-in-a-lifetime, can’t-get-anywhere-else experiences. Local street festivals are the perfect places to find those moments. A city comes together to celebrate a national holiday, exciting new music, a cultural tradition, or maybe just a …

10 Reasons Watching TV Puts You On The Path To Fluency

In fact, it may be benefiting your brain and improving your life, if you’re using it to learn a language. There are nearly as many approaches to learning a language as there are learners. But with the wealth of content available in so many languages and the cultural learning opportunities …

Staying Organized: 8 Learning Strategies To Help Master A Language

Learning a new language is challenging and a lot of work, but by staying organized and studying regularly you will be able to speak another language.  Many do not know that exercise increases heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain. It aids the release of hormones which provide …

Language Learning Strategies for Introverts That Work For Everyone

Introverts and extroverts don’t experience the world in the same way. While extroverted people generally draw their energy from time spent with other people, introverts need some alone time to re-energize and re-charge; however but recent studies have found that there is a spectrum. Most people are ambiverts: a little extroverted and …

Why Language Immersion is Effective and Necessary

When Louise Harber started her foreign language immersion business in the 1970s, “immersion” meant traveling to another country to submerge oneself in its culture, reading its local papers, going shopping at the local markets and eavesdropping on conversations. But now, anyone can travel virtually – to a supermarket in Italy, …

SEO tools

No matter what your business, there are tools you’ll want to use to help you rank higher and become more successful. You might be surprised at what tools are out there. Search metrics is a fantastic tool for website monitoring and optimization, but you don’t have to use it. With …

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