Category: Study tips

  • Dictation for Language Learning: Introducing Scribe

    Dictation for Language Learning: Introducing Scribe

    Hi Yabla Subscribers, have you played Scribe yet? Look at what the Internet TESL Journal (Teachers of English as a Second Language) say about dictation as a language learning tool:  “Dictation helps to develop short-term memory. Students practice retaining meaningful phrases or whole sentences before writing them down. Dictation can serve as an excellent review […]

  • I Studied French For Years But Struggled to Be Understood in France

    I Studied French For Years But Struggled to Be Understood in France

    I took French classes for several years before moving to Paris for a French Language program at the Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne. However, after I received the results from my placement test I was was really disappointed. I tested in just above a novice level! I was even more disappointed to find […]

  • Language Learning Tip: Start Small

    Starting from scratch. Back to the basics. Square one. When learning a new trade or skill, including adopting a foreign language, the beginning will always be the most difficult part of any learning process. When we first spoke our native language, we had to begin with small goals, the building blocks of communication, whether it […]

  • Staying Organized: 8 Learning Strategies To Help Master A Language

    Staying Organized: 8 Learning Strategies To Help Master A Language

    Learning a new language is challenging and a lot of work, but by staying organized and studying regularly you will be able to speak another language.  Many do not know that exercise increases heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain. It aids the release of hormones which provide an excellent environment for the […]

  • Language Learning Strategies for Introverts That Work For Everyone

    Language Learning Strategies for Introverts That Work For Everyone

    Introverts and extroverts don’t experience the world in the same way. While extroverted people generally draw their energy from time spent with other people, introverts need some alone time to re-energize and re-charge; however but recent studies have found that there is a spectrum. Most people are ambiverts: a little extroverted and a little introverted. When it […]

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